Subsistence Advisory Committee
Subsistence traditions and way of life is cultural and spiritual, connecting Alaska Native people, families, and communities with the land, animals, and fish.
To better understand subsistence along the proposed access corridor, and to promote communication and knowledge sharing, AIDEA sponsors a Subsistence Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC provides official seats for residents of Alatna, Allakaket, Ambler, Evansville, Hughes, Huslia, Kiana, Kobuk, Noorvik, and Shungnak. Additionally, the Gates of the Arctic National Park Subsistence Commission, NANA, and Doyon, Limited have ex officio roles on the SAC.
Each member lives in a community within or adjacent to the access corridor, practices subsistence, and is knowledgeable about the land, animals and culture around their respective communities. Input from the SAC, relying on the tribes’ traditional knowledge, will be an integral part of the project’s development as permitting and design work continues. The committee was established by the Subsistence Advisory Committee Working Group which included five Alaska Native Elders and two representatives from both NANA Regional Corporation and Doyon, Limited. The first SAC meeting was held on January 11, 2022.
Upcoming Meetings
6/5/24 Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting in Upper Kobuk
Previous Meetings
2/21/24 Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting
12/6/23 Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting
8/24/23 Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting
9-11:30 Community Hall - Allakaket, AK
6/15/23 Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting
9-4:30pm Kotzebue, AK
2/23/23 Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting
9-4pm, Endeavor Meeting Room, Hotel Captain Cook Anchorage, Alaska
1/05/23 AAP Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting
Location: Westmark Hotel Fairbanks, Alaska
08/16/22 AAP Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting
Location: AIDEA Conference Room 813 West Northern Lights.
06/27/22 Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting
01/11/22 Subsistence Advisory Committee Meeting
The SAC members were selected through an application process by the Subsistence Advisory Working Group. This Working Group solicited applications through flyers, mail, email and airline delivery of materials to tribal offices.
Current SAC Membership
- Fred Bifelt (Co-Chair), Huslia

- Larry Westlake, Sr. (Co-Chair), Kiana

- Harding Sam, Alatna
- Vanessa Edwards, Alatna Alternate

- Gordan Bergman, Allakaket
- Harold David Sr, Alternate Allakaket
- Morgan Johnson, Ambler

- Hughe Bifelt, Hughes
- Henry Horner, Kobuk

- Wilbur Howarth, Noorvik
- Nellie Griest, Shungnak

- Liz Cravalho, NANA

- Wayne Musser, Evansville
- Ray Woods, Gates of the Arctic, Regional SAC
- Shalon Harrington, Ambler Metals
- Andy Baker, Kotzebue/West Side
The SAC is still seeking alternate members. To be considered, submit the completed Announcement for Committee Nominations Form to